Yu Zheng Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation

Texas A&M University
November 27, 2024

 Yu Zheng, a member of the Balbuena Research Group, successfully presented the final defense of her PhD dissertation. Her research, which focused on advanced topics in Interfacial behaviors of electrolytes in Li-ion batteries, represents a significant contribution to the field.

The Balbuena Research Group gathered to celebrate this milestone, reflecting on Yu’s dedication and the collaborative spirit that defines the team. Congratulations to Dr. Yu Zheng on this remarkable achievement!

 Dr. Perla Balbuena Honored at the Academy of Distinguished Chemical Engineers Event

University of Texas at Austin 
November 8, 2024

On November 8th, 2024, the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin hosted the annual Academy of Distinguished Chemical Engineers event. This prestigious event, which recognizes exceptional leadership and technical contributions within the field, celebrated its honorees with a banquet and induction ceremony.

Dr. Perla Balbuena was honored for her outstanding leadership and significant technical advancements, reflecting her impactful contributions to chemical engineering and society. Congratulations to Dr. Balbuena on this well-deserved recognition!

Preparatory Seminar

Texas A&M
November 19, 2024

The Perla Balbuena Research Group recently held a preparatory seminar for Yu Zheng’s dissertation, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. During the session, group members gathered to listen to her presentation and provided valuable feedback on both technical content and presentation skills. Such meetings are a cornerstone of the research group’s culture, aimed at enhancing technical expertise and oratory abilities.

 245th ECS Meeting

San Francisco, California
May 26-May 30, 2024

The At the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, CA, held from May 26 to May 30, 2024, members of the Perla Balbuena Research Group showcased cutting-edge advancements in energy storage and efficiency. PhD students Francisco Alejandro Ospina and Yu Zheng, along with postdoctoral researcher Saul Perez, presented their innovative research on high-performance batteries and strategies to enhance energy efficiency. This prestigious conference provided an excellent platform for these researchers to share their contributions to sustainable energy solutions with a global audience of scientists and industry professionals.

Besides, Dr. Balbuena was also invited as a keynote speaker to present on ‘Understanding Mechanisms of Ion and Electron Transport in Reconfigurable Electrochemical Neuromorphic Components.'”